Samstag, 12. Februar 2011

Hello Daddy, dear Max

as Jan is visiting you these days, I want to show you where I go for a walk in the morning

This is my favourite place and its not far from our home, the lake is just a few minutes away

We had a lot of snow this winter, too much even for the trees and the lake was frozen for a long time.

But now again I enjoy swimming and catching sticks in the water - not a bit salty like yours there at the sea!

Still there are no boats around, we are all alone while the sun brightens up our day

 The ground is still frozen on our way back to the village, but even though the smell of deer is always around...

Give my love to your people there in Spain, greetings from sunny Schloen, your son Tajo :-)

3 Kommentare:

  1. Ein schöner Bericht von Tajo :-)
    Ich denke, er fühlt sich wohl in seiner neuen Heimat!?

  2. Sieht ja auch aus wie ein Hundeparadies - Wiesen, Wälder und viel viel Wasser

    Liebe Grüsse

  3. How nice! Its looks beautiful, and Tajo is so big! Daddy Max is jealous!
